5 Signs That You Need to Repaint Your Stucco
Although there are general guidelines on how often you should paint your home’s exterior, you may not know exactly when it was last painted. Extreme weather conditions like heavy rains or storms can likewise destroy your stucco, which will require a new paint job.
Read on to learn the tell-tale signs it’s time to repaint your stucco.
Damaged Stucco
Paint helps keep exterior surfaces in your home from elements that penetrate materials inside and lead to more damage. But paints don’t last forever. In this case, you need to assess whether there have been damages to your stucco. If the paints have cracked or peeled, or a portion of your stucco has a hole, repair and repainting are needed.
Bubbling, Cracked, Or Peeling Paint
Bubbling paint could be caused by trapped water in between the walls and paint. Over time, paint can wear and tear, which eventually requires a new paint job. Once paint peels away, it exposes your stucco and makes it more prone to further damage from external sources. If your stucco is exposed to rain, it could lead to mold growth, mildew, or corrosion. Before it is too late, make an assessment and contact a reliable painting professional to help you.
Mold growth and moisture stains
It starts with moisture stains, which can, later on, develop into severe discoloration. Moreover, mold growth can become a huge issue in which
Fading Colors
After years of standing up to various seasons throughout the year, it’s normal for your stucco to fade in color. If your exterior wall is slowly degrading in terms of appeal and color, it is time you paint them. Select a new color scheme that will invigorate your home and give it a fresh new look. Enough with dull and super flat colors, that make you don’t want to go home at all. Remember, color is everything when it comes to your home.
The current color is getting boring
Sometimes, you don’t have to wait for signs before you paint your stucco. If you don’t feel like seeing the old color you have on your exterior, do not hesitate to have it re-painted. Painting your stucco can give it a breath of new life.
When choosing paint, consider the design of your home and the appeal that you want to convey. Look at the surroundings, take note of the new color trends, and look at how adjacent properties have been improving their homes for inspiration.