Interior Painters
Interior Painters
Isn't it amazing how much a fresh coat of paint can spruce up the interior of your home or business?
The colors can set the tone for your guests, brighten up the place, and welcome them with warmth and beauty.
Our experienced, expert interior painters will work with you to maximize your investment, beautify the interior, and increase the resale value of your greatest asset.
Give us a call at (480) 570-7592 so we can sit down with you to understand what you are looking for, and then we will give you an free estimate on the spot so you have all the details in writing before we get started.
Or, you can fill out our free estimate form, and we'll get back with you right away to schedule some time with you. Once you pick out the colors, you can sit back and relax and watch the paint dry while we do the work.
1. If you property is not empty, we will first move the furniture away from the walls and cover it with plastic.
2. We will also cover adjacent areas, like floors, countertops, cabinets, etc.
3. We will patch the drywall if necessary, tape the trim, and then prime any colored walls.
4. We will apply two coats of premium paint.
5. We will clean up or mess, and then inspect the property with you to make sure you are happy with the results.
Typically, interior painting averages less than $1.00 per square foot. The final costs depends, of course, on any necessary prep or repairs. If the drywall is damaged and needs major repairs or filling, that can increase the cost.
Your BGB project leader will go over every item with you to ensure you understand all costs before we get started so there are no surprises.
- High Gloss is the highest gloss finish. It is more durable and stain resistant than the others. And, it is the easiest to clean. High Gloss paint is almost always used on kitchen walls, cabinets, and bathroom walls. High Gloss is the most popular trim finish.
- Satin (or Semi Gloss) is a medium gloss finish. It is also relatively easy to clean and stain resistant. Satin finish is commonly used in the living areas, bedrooms, interior doors, and trim when a high gloss is not desired.
- Eggshell Finish is a medium-to-low gloss finish. It is semi-stain resistant and typically used like a flat gloss paint.
- Flat (or Matte) is the lightest gloss finish. It is easy to apply and most often used for painting the ceiling.
We appreciate you entrusting us with your makeover and we value that trust. We don't want to lose that with any customer and will do whatever it takes to make sure you are happy with our services.